
What Can I Do with an MSN in Nursing 政府 Degree?

What Can I Do with a Master's Degree in Nursing 政府

对于获得护理管理硕士学位的人来说,有许多不同的职业道路. 这些工作机会从医院延伸到现场, 包括医生办公室, schools, and even the legal and government sector.

一些最受护士欢迎的职位,在护理管理的MSN, management or leadership include:

1. 总护士长

A chief nursing officer (CNO), alternatively titled chief nursing executive (CNE), 通常是医疗保健组织中最高水平的护理管理. CNOs帮助指导医院系统的护理和业务角度, 帮助制定计划, direct and organize the overall nursing and patient care operations. 除了, CNOs努力严格遵守既定的医疗保健服务标准,以帮助确保患者获得最佳治疗结果.


2. 护士管理员

护士管理员的角色可能与CNO的角色有些重叠. 两者都必须具备护理、医疗和领导方面的高级技能. 他们必须能够与组织内的执行人员进行互动, 管理人员和护理人员, patients, 病人的家属, 以及普通大众.

Both CNOs and nurse administrators must be comfortable on the nursing floor; however, 平均, 这两个角色都是基于办公室的.

3. 护理主任

护理主任是负责行政任务的护士,如招聘和培训护理人员, 制定工作时间表, and managing department budgets. 护理主任也作为医疗保健社区的资源, 就护理政策和程序向医务人员和行政人员提供建议.

4. 护士经理

A nurse manager’s role can be similar to a nursing director’s role. 这个职位通常需要BSN学位,在某些情况下需要MSN学位, strong clinical nursing experience, and demonstrated leadership abilities. Nurse managers may also act as educators, 为有经验的和初级的专业人员提供指导.

5. 质量改进


这些职位, 如质量改进主任和临床质量经理, 帮助确保建立和遵守严格的病人护理标准和政策.

6. 护士信息

护理信息学是一门专业,也可以在质量谱中找到. 使用信息学的护士评估和使用电子医疗保健数据,以帮助确保高质量的医疗环境并支持患者护理. 这将护理与信息管理和分析科学相结合来识别, define, 管理和沟通医疗数据,以改善健康和患者的治疗效果.

7. 临床护理研究员

护士研究人员在药学和医学研究中发挥着重要作用. They review large amounts of information, 评估数据, and use these learnings to advance patient care. Armed with their clinical expertise, 护士研究人员帮助设计科学研究和医学试验,以帮助改善医疗保健操作和患者的治疗效果. Nurse researchers may also write grant proposals, to help secure funding for healthcare systems and trials.

8. 法定护士顾问

法律护士顾问帮助法律和政府专业人士聚集在一起, 合成, and understand medical information. This can be crucial for long processes, such as lobbying for healthcare reform, navigating through government healthcare regulations, and assisting with malpractice cases.

How much can nurses in administration make?

根据 BLS, the average salary for medical and health services managers, 包括上面列出的护理领导和管理的角色, was $134,440 per hour.*

工作前景很乐观, 具有就业机会的医疗卫生服务管理人员是 预计增长 28% from 2022-2032这在很大程度上是由于人们在晚年更加活跃.*发现 average salary in nursing administration by state.

Become a nurse leader and make a lasting impact.

There are a variety of career paths available in nursing and healthcare administration after graduating with a 理学硕士 in Nursing degree. 选择取决于你想要追求的专业和重点.

赫京大学护理领导与管理硕士课程是为那些希望在护理领域打造自己独特的职业道路并对患者护理和结果产生重大影响的学生而设计的. 软件下载提供多种 护理的领导 and 政府 programs 对于正在寻求护理领导机会的现任护士,包括:


Discover what it takes to become a nurse administrator


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.



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