


As you embark on your journey armed with a marketing degree, it's crucial to understand how to differentiate yourself.

对于那些对充满创造力、战略和创新的职业感兴趣的人来说, a business degree can be a popular and powerful tool. Diving deeper into the business world, 市场营销是一个你可以帮助推动品牌向前发展的职业道路, 成立新公司与受众的联系,并最终提高企业的声誉. The adaptability of 市场营销专业 makes them essential across a variety of industries, 从传统广告到更现代的数字营销. 大多数市场营销专业人士拥有的一项技能是有效推广某种东西的能力——无论是产品, 一个品牌,甚至他们自己. 

对于有抱负的营销专业人士来说,在找到一份工作之前,这段旅程就已经开始了. Picture yourself as the product or service being sold. 一开始可能会觉得很奇怪,但要记住,你是在向招聘经理解释为什么他们应该投资你. 抓住这个机会,把自己定位为一名优秀的候选人. 

As you embark on your journey armed with a marketing degree, it's crucial to understand how to differentiate yourself, build a compelling 个人品牌, and strategically position yourself for success. Here are some key first steps to consider:


你的简历 is often your first impression to potential employers, 在市场营销方面, it's essential to go beyond the basics. While listing your education and internships is important, 考虑添加一个展示特定营销技巧和成就的部分. Highlight any projects where you demonstrated creativity, strategic thinking or data-driven decision-making. 这不仅为你的能力提供了具体的例子,也让你从其他可能有类似学术背景的候选人中脱颖而出.

此外,强调任何证书或专业培训 on 你的简历 确保你提供的专业推荐信能够说明你在这些领域的技能. In a field that evolves rapidly, 展示您对最新趋势和技术的关注是一笔宝贵的财富.


在一个充斥着众多营销人员的世界里,你如何确保你的 个人品牌 突出? Start by identifying what makes you unique:

  • What sets you apart from other marketing graduates?
  • 你的核心价值观是什么?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What unique experiences and perspectives do you bring?
  • What industries or niches are you most passionate about?
  • What are your short-term and long-term career goals?

Whether it's your inventive problem-solving, storytelling finesse or proficiency in social media, 确保这些因素在你个人品牌的各个方面都闪耀, blending your technical expertise with the always 宝贵的软技能.


 While internships are undoubtedly valuable,考虑扩大你的视野,获得更广泛的经验. 寻找志愿者的机会,自由职业幸运28计划,甚至是个人博客. 这些经历不仅为你的简历增添了深度,也展示了你不断进步的动力和适应不同挑战的能力.


When showcasing your experiences, 不要只列出任务, it’s up to you to tell a story that is uniquely yours. 在候选人的海洋中, it's not just about having experience; it's about presenting it in a way that 突出. 将你的个人品牌融入到叙述中,强调你的与众不同之处.

量化你的成就,用指标来强调你的影响力. Shift the focus from tasks to the value you've added, making your accomplishments more impactful to hiring managers. Remember, it's not just about having experience; it's about how you communicate and utilize it to catch the eye of potential employers.


网络 is another powerful tool for gaining experience. 参加行业活动, join professional organizations, and connect with others on professional platforms like LinkedIn. 考虑通过分享见解来提升你在LinkedIn上的个人资料,包括展示你在该领域的专业知识和思想领导力的元素, 案例研究或个人轶事可以展示你对市场营销的热情,并将自己定位为你所在领域的可靠权威. LinkedIn provides a platform to build professional bridges, enabling you to network with other industry professionals, 参加虚拟活动, 寻找发展机会并加入相关专业团体. Building a strong network can open doors to mentorship, 工作机会和对不断发展的领域的宝贵见解.

Remind yourself that there is only one of you, which is something no one else can recreate! 推销自己的方式不仅能确保你获得面试机会,还能让你获得一生的成功. 拥抱你独特的品质,把它们作为你个人营销策略背后的驱动力.

Herzing大学 很自豪地提供 市场营销专业 对于那些谁准备踏上一个充满活力的旅程进入商业或营销职业生涯. 今天就开始吧!

Learn More About Our Marketing Degree


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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